QAT_engine adds support for Intel® QuickAssist Technology to OpenSSL-1.1.0 via the ENGINE framework. Intel® QuickAssist Technology ( ) provides acceleration for a number of cryptographic algorithms. In particular any donations or payments to any of these organizations will not be known to, seen by, or in any way benefit the OpenSSL project. The listing of these third party products does not imply any endorsement by the OpenSSL project, and these organizations are not affiliated in any way with OpenSSL other than by the reference to their independent web sites here. As for the binaries above the following disclaimer applies: Some third parties provide OpenSSL compatible engines. The builds are done by the ITUGLIB Technical Committee as part of Connect. The SPT version depends on FLOSS, otherwise there are no other dependencies. Pre-compiled NonStop ia64/x86 1.0.2, 1.1.1 executables and libraries for the HPE NonStop Operating Systems.
The EXE and DLL are digitally signed with the 'FireDaemon Technologies Limited' Extended Validation (EV) code signing certificate.
The distributions can be used standalone or integrated into any Windows application. Pre-compiled executables (EXE) and libraries (DLL) for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems with a dependency on the Universal C Runtime only. The OpenSSL DLLs and EXE files are digitally code signed 'Open Source Developer, François PIETTE', so applications can self verify them for corruption. Pre-compiled Win32/64 1.0.2, 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and 3.0 libraries without external dependencies, primarily built for François Piette's Internet Component Suite (ICS) for Embarcadero (Borland) Delphi and C++ development tools, but may be used for any Windows applications. Pre-compiled packages at conan.io package manager:
OpensSSL for Windows, Linux, OSX, Android

Versions for Solaris 2.5 - 11 SPARC and X86 Reproducible builds with latest MinGW-w64, 64/32-bit, static/dynamic libs and executable. Pre-compiled Win32/64 libraries without external dependencies to the Microsoft Visual Studio Runtime DLLs, except for the system provided msvcrt.dll. Comes in form of self-install executables. Works with MSVC++, Builder 3/4/5, and MinGW. Originally developed for the cryptology playground "CrypTool-Online". The Wasm execution happens using WebWorkers if the browser supports them. Uses Emscripten and xterm.js to emulate a terminal in your browser. OpenSSL 3.0 ported to WebAssembly (in October 2021).

Third Party OpenSSL Related Binary Distributions Use these OpenSSL derived products at your own risk these products have not been evaluated or tested by the OpenSSL project. Alternatively consider becoming a corporate sponsor. To make a donation to the project directly go to our github sponsors page. This service is primarily for operating systems where there are no pre-compiled OpenSSL packages. If you are such a user, we ask you to get in touch with your distributor first. Those are already well-known among the users of said distributions, and will therefore not be mentioned here. Note: many Linux distributions come with pre-compiled OpenSSL packages. The condition to get a link here is that the link is stable and can provide continued support for OpenSSL for a while. Some people have offered to provide OpenSSL binary distributions for selected operating systems.